Musica Objective

Musica’s objective is to promote, maintain and advance the creative education of the public; This is done through participation in creative activities, in particular music, to improve the self-esteem, well-being and life chances of people of all ages who are disadvantaged by personal circumstances such as disability, ill health, poverty or isolation.

Musica is a specialist company devoted to creative learning using music as its medium as well as the arts. The workshop leaders have extensive experience working with a wide range of clients including Pupil Referral Units, Mental Health, Education (Primary, High Schools, Further Education Institutions), Physically Disabled, Prisons, Young Offenders, Children’s Homes, Extended Schools and Festivals.

What are the benefits?

For some people learning can be difficult and by using music as a medium it enables access to learning for those who find the mainstream school curriculum does not fit or suit their needs. For Children in or out of the school system, (or attending PRU’s etc..) creative development improves learning and progress in all subjects and areas.

The act of playing music or engaging in artistic pursuits releases natural chemicals into the body which creates a natural high and a more positive outlook.

The Opportunity

For those attending mainstream schools the chance to do something new and different with music and the arts. Learning those important life and interpersonal skills that are in ever increasing demand when entering the field of work.

Mental Health

Music is a great way of increasing confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem. The feeling of accomplishment very often for the first time only has a positive impact on someone’s life.


A chance to improve cognitive co-ordination and movement through the medium of music and the arts.

Our workshops are bespoke and tailored to suit your specific requirements, more details regarding specific types of workshops can be viewed below on linked page:

Music Workshops

Online Workshops

Drumming Workshops

Song Writing Recording and Performance

One To One Tuition